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In today’s digital age it is rare to have a hard copy of anything. Creating a custom listing flyer for your properties gives you an edge in several ways:

1. Tangibility Equals Top of Mind in Real Estate

Flyers are tangible. They aren’t like emails that get lost on a phone or computer never to be opened again. They get handled, studied, and shown with more attentiveness. Flyers are kept throughout the process of purchasing a home and keep you as the realtor, at top of mind.  Once a transaction has been completed flyers are often saved by the purchaser of the home. This means when they go to sell, you have a better chance of receiving that listing.

2. Get a Return on Investment with Real Estate Marketing Flyers

There are two goals when using a flyer for marketing a real estate listing:

– Show off the Professional Pictures You Invested in.

Studies show that home buyers engage with photos of the home more than anything else during the decision-making process.  You just created professional photos, now is your chance to show them off in a print resource.

– See a Return on Investment Through Home Tours.

Photos and simple statistics about the home are what buyers look for in determining whether or not to visit a home. A well designed, but simple flyer doesn’t allow a buyer to get bogged down in details, but prompts them to go and see the home for themselves!

3. Drive Interest on Social Media With Professional Photographs

Many Realtors choose to receive a flyer not only as a PDF but as a JPEG file.  This way they can share the flyer on social media to drive inquiries about the listing.  The flyer then becomes a professional-looking image that can be tagged with a location and any persons relevant to the selling of the home.

4. Email the Custom Listing Flyer to Potential Buyers

Have a buyer who is looking for a home like the one on the flyer? Send it to them through email. This way the buyer can print out a copy to review. Having a resource like this made and ready to send shows your level of professionalism and seriousness when listing houses. When you go to meet the buyer in person, always remember to supplement your professionally printed flyer on high-quality paper for the one they printed at home.

Start including professional photographs and flyers in your real estate marketing plan today!


Custom listing flyers are a great way to get passive viewers to take a tour. Flyers also help keep you, the realtor, and the home on the top of their mind.  Skyline Pictures is proud to offer custom listing flyers as an add-on service with any purchase of professional photography.

Contact us today to schedule a session!



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